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Undergraduate Studies

Home >  Undergraduate Studies >  Tokiwa University >  Faculty of Human Sciences >  Department of Psychology

Department of Psychology

Seeking to understand the human mind scientifically, and solve the problems faced by both individuals and society. Approaching the human mind from a scientific viewpoint, we conduct research on various ways of thinking and the psychological mechanisms that drive behavior. We nurture individuals capable of contributing toward building a world in which the multitude of people facing mental issues in today's age can achieve self-fulfillment and integrate smoothly into society.

Department Highlights

  1. Fundamental research is emphasized. We focus on understanding the human mind through scientific experimentation and lab work.

  2. We foster a well-balanced perspective on the wide-ranging field of psychology.

  3. Through hands-on classes, students come to scientifically understand human maladjustments, problematic behaviors, illnesses and more, improving their clinical competency.